~Congratulations to Caleb A and Travis for being our Star Students!~

Monday, October 17, 2011

PTA Fun Run!

Don't forget to get your sponsorships and donations for the Fun Run!  The event will be held on October 20th so come ready to run!  Please remember to bring your envelopes and your tennis shoes!


Our Apes are so busy this month, we are going to have to change the date for our monthly luncheon!  Our 5th graders will be visiting the Jacksonville Symphony on October 27th and there will be no school on the 28th so please mark your calendars for the 26th!  Hope to see you all here on October 26th at 11:45!

STARS of the Week!

Way to go Eniaya and Dylan!  You both worked so hard all week to earn the title of Star Students!  Keep up the great work!

Skating Fun!

We had a great Ape turnout but the Gibbons' Apes had the most and won the free pizza!  We will get them next time!  Here are some pictures of our fun times outside of school!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Science Fun with Physical and Chemical Changes!

We have had the chance to find out what can happen during a chemical change including temperature changes, odor changes, color changes and the production of a gas or solid.  We also explored physical changes and tried to create a new substance but couldn't.

Chemical or Physical Change?

Can we create something new?

What can happen during a chemical change?